Saturday, May 21, 2011

Baby Mine

I just spent the evening with a woman who has a nine week-old baby and another woman who is pregnant.  I'm angry.  I'm jealous.  I'm nostalgic.  I'm seriously considering what I would have to do to convince Scott that he would like to adopt a third child.

I hate cancer.
I hate this stupid binder that I have to wear on my waist.
I hate the rain.
I hate

I hate everything.


Renee Miller said...

I so wish there was something I could do to help. If I could trade my general lack of baby fever over to you, I would in a second.

I've said it before (do you ever feel like you're friends with a broken record?) but you could just let God decide. Go see somebody in adoption placement, get put in a book somewhere for birth mothers to choose from, and let Him figure it out. I'm all about delegating, you see.

You and Scott are great parents. La and Owen are so lucky. But I'm not sure that just because doctors took your uterus away that the door is totally closed, you know?

Renee Miller said...

I just read my comment above and want to say too - I'm not trying to convince you to convince Scott you should have another kid. I am sooooo staying out of *that* debate. :D I just wanted to point out that there are options.

The Wills Family said...

Sending love and hugs and prayers.

Jennifer Glenn said...

Liz - haven't seen an update in a while. How is everything going? Better I hope :)

Take Care,
Jen Glenn