Saturday, August 13, 2011

I Quit

I thank all of you for reading this blog, but, frankly, I'm tired of writing it.  I'm tired of having diseases to report and illnesses to detail.  So, I would like to propose this to be my last post.  Of course, if I have a cancer recurrence, then all blogs and other forums for complaint are up for renewal, but for now they are cancelled.  

Before I leave you, though, I would like to let everyone know that God has seemingly struck me down again.   This time the weapon of choice was a deer tick, which I found and removed on last Saturday.  On Thursday night, I had trouble sleeping, due to the fact that my house was apparently 42 degrees.  It turns out that my internal thermostat gauge was l little off, due to my 102+ degree fever.  When I woke on Friday, the tiny bite mark from the tick, who has aspirations to grow to be the size of a sesame seed, was red and angry looking.  

So, I went in to the doctor ... although, in retrospect should a person with a high grade fever be driving a motorized vehicle?  Probably not.

My doctor told me that I probably had Lyme Disease, but that the blood work would most likely come back negative, as it takes 4to 6 weeks for the body to process a positive result to the titer.  So, by the time I am ready to show a positive result, I will have been on antibiotics for several weeks, thus interfering with the test, anyway.  So, now I'm on a strong and long dose of antibiotics.  I'm also on a crapload of pain meds to reduce the fever that makes me alternately feel the need to sleep under a down blanket with a sweatsuit on and the need to put my head in the freezer to stop the sweating.  

Also, I have a growing "bullseye rash" at the site of the tick bite.

I'm not happy about any of this.

Most specifically, I find it ridiculous that I still have things to report on this blog.  When it started, I was receiving pressure from people at work to create a caring bridge site.  Liz has cancer ... Ooohh!  I thought that everyone could be well served by a cancer blog.  But, I never guessed that my cancer blog would turn into a failed surgery blog ... and then another failed surgery blog ... and then a lupus/arthritis blog ... and then a Lyme Disease blog.

Is it difficult to even believe me?

I'm not making this crap up.  I wish I were.

But, I'm done.  It's time for someone else to take on these fights.

I'm out.