Saturday, June 25, 2011

Stupid Arthritis

This is how far I can get my wedding ring on my finger, now.

My body is changing.

My knuckles are swollen.

My feet are too big for my sandals.

This morning, both of my hands were locked in a ridiculous claw formation, and I couldn't straighten them.  Comically, the fingers most affected were my middle ones, which left me totally unarmed against bad drivers, should I choose to display my displeasure with them.


cathedwards said...

One of the things I find most promising about life in general is the ability we have to discover good in the midst of well, you know, bad.
I am sorry for all this, it very very bad and terrible horrible, and here is the beauty. There are two rings waiting, one from Great grandma Hughesdon and one from Nana. As you become unable to wear your beautiful rings, you can slip on one or both of these.
And with them comes the strength and wisdom of two women who went before you and love you dearly.
That's two and i'm three and on and on....

Love, Mom

Jennifer Glenn said...

Not sure if you have seen this website, but it may help...or at least maybe give you a giggle or two. I hope you have a wonderful 4th of July with your family. A little wine and a few fireworks can go a long way :)
