Sunday, November 21, 2010

Life is Good

I'm sitting on an airplane typing this ... I guess that is the perk of having a husband who travels so much. Well, the free internet and the free bottle of wine that I just guzzled. I have never had wine on a plane, before. I have also never been on a plane that is so fuzzy and blurry. Strange.

Anyway, I'm here ... taking a break from watching Harry Potter ... on my way to meet my handsome husband in Arizona for our first get-away since D-Day on February 3rd.

I'm pretty excited. We have plans to go to my favorite pizza spot in the United States, read books, sit by the pool, go see the new Harry Potter movie and go hiking. Oh, and sleep. We have plans to sleep.

Because I'm a nut for security, I'm not scheduling this post to go live until we return - just so that no creepers can read it and take the opportunity to loot our house ... again.

But, even taking that into account, I still have a few hours to ask for your prayers. Earlier this week, I went to my least favorite place, Minnesota Oncology, for some blood work. I get the results of those tests on Monday. I'm hoping that the cancer has taken my eviction notice seriously and that there are no attempts to re-infiltrate my body. Please pray for the same.

I'll update after I see the doctor.

You guys are the best.



Andy - Becky Carlson said...

I hope you enjoyed your "adventur"...with less fuzzyness than the plane.....expecting a good report...peace of the Lord be with you....

Anonymous said...

So happy for you guys. Sounds wonderful. Enjoy every minute!


Jennifer Glenn said...

Good to see you got out of this cold weather for a while. Hope all was relaxing and that the rest of your holidays are as well. I'm sure that your results on Monday will help that happen! Good news will come!

Take Care,

p.s. - when is the next Vis wine tasting? :)