Tuesday, July 12, 2022

I Lie Corrected

How does it feel when your hemoglobin is low? 

I can tell you. 

It feels like you are the most out of shape person in the world. 

It feels like standing for two minutes to brush your teeth is an unmanageable eternity. 

It feels like walking up one flight of stairs is an achievement worthy of a medal, but you won't want to wear the medal, because it will be too heavy. 

It feels like the ridiculous "Suggestions for Energy Conservation" by MN Oncology have actually become useful after all. 

Here are some of the suggestions that made me laugh a few weeks ago. How silly I was.  

  • Use a terry robe instead of drying off with a towel.
  • Use moderate temperature water instead of hot.
  • Use a shower bench or lawn chair to sit in while showering.
  • Use the grocery cart for support.
  • Use a power scooter if the store has one.
  • Don't lean forward unsupported. 
  • Sit to transfer clothes from washer to dryer.
  • Hang clothes on doorknob.
  • Use mixes or prepackaged food.
  • Sit while preparing food.
  • Store frequently used items at chest level to avoid stretching.
  • Lay out clothes before dressing to avoid extra steps.
  • Wear loose fitting clothing to allow easier breathing.
  • Sit, bringing foot to knee when applying shoes and socks to avoid leaning over. 
  • Wear button-front shirts instead of pullovers.
  • Place chairs strategically to allow rest stops (e.g. along a long hallway).

I hate this. But I have to go now. Scott made smashburgers to try to boost my hemoglobin!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good excuse for binge watching something like Foyles War. (Lots of excellent seasons of you haven't already seen it). There's never been a better excuse for being lazy!

Cathmomnona said...

I like those suggestions although a grocery cart would take up a lot of room in my house and carrying it from one level to another seems hazardous and tiring. Are there any leftover smash burgers? Just checking… for a friend.

NJE said...

This seems like a list of things Pete would do.

Margaret said...

Nick wins. There will be no wittier comment, except for the post itself.

Anonymous said...

I was going ask if you could help me re-roof the garage tomorrow but maybe I’ll wait until Thursday?

Anonymous said...

Using a rolling chair in the kitchen is great!