I suppose that you're right ... most of the time. But, I'm bored. I'm tired of having to have help from everyone and I'm tired of being in pain and I'm tired of these stupid drains. I'm trying to keep my spirits up, but ugh.
Suck it, Cancer.
Surgery went well on Tuesday. As the plastic surgeon accurately predicted, there is so much other pain that I don't even feel the incision from the latest slicing. The pathology came back and showed no cancer in the sample. They did find the clip and the tracks from January's biopsy, but no cancer cells. My surgeon tells me that this is good news.
There were, indeed, two tumors. One that we knew about (but that was all removed during the biopsy) and another that they didn't even see before the mastectomy. This does not great confidence instill. I would have felt much better if they HAD found cancer on Tuesday. At least we would know that we have clean margins and that it is out. But, instead we have to trust that ALL the cells ... every single one of them ... were removed in the exploratory part.
What else don't they know is in there?
Frightened, but trying to stay strong,