Thursday, February 18, 2010


This is Liz. I am displeased to announce that I am still in the hospital. We were planning an afternoon departure, but it is now 4:30 and I have spent the last six hours lying here watching two pints of blood drip into my veins. I'm not having a super-awesome time, but I do have good news: the pathology came back today and the surgeon got out all of the breast cancer. Clean margins all around! So have a beer for me. I doubt that the hospital looks very favorably upon the combination of alcohol and narcotics. I could be wrong, I suppose, but that almost never happens.

My pain is rotten, but manageable (when I'm holding still or am asleep.). I'm now on my third round of narcotics, because of nausea and horrible itching caused by the first two. I'm also on my third i.v., because the first two became blocked with clots which, apparently, inhibits the efficacy of the medication transfer. I have internal and external sutures on my back, my front, and my side. Also, inexplicably, at the top of my chest, where the surgeon's scalpel slipped trough the skin while removing the breast tissue. We're watching my temperature closely, because it is currently spiking AGAIN. Two nights ago, it climbed to 102.2, which no one found to be an excellent report.

I'm pretty much fed up with people coming to check my vitals, re-stock the room, ask me if I'd like margarine or butter on my roll, and offer to pray over me, but instead stare at me as though they wish to be entertained. I am also tired of being unable to do things for myself. My catheter is out, so I can go into the bathroom by myself (well, myself and my beautiful i.v. pole.) But, I don't have the strength to flush the toilet. I can type this post, but the computer is much too heavy to lift off my lap. I think that it's safe to say that I am not my usual chipper, spunky self, although I do take comfort in the fact that, based on all of your comments, I have all of you snowed.

Go me!

Hopefully, we will have good news after the blood transfusion and will be at home sometime tomorrow. We'll keep you posted and let you know when we are ready for visitors.

Thank you for all of your support.

Liz and Scott


Darrell said...

Liz, you are such a remarkable Woman ! And we love you sooooooo much. I can't wait to see you -- but in the mean time, I want to share with all of the others who view the blog, the conversation you and I had last week --

Me: So Liz, which would you prefer, Flowers or Dale and Thomas Popcorn??

You: Hmmmm, thats a tough question, --- I know, lets ask Laila

Me: Laila, what do you think I should get your Mom, Flowers or Dale and Thomas popcorn

Laila: Pop, why don't you just get both of them for Mom??

Good call Laila !!


(and for any wondering minds out there, its:

Gina and Tim said...

I'm leaving you "Dear Diary" messages on your cellular device, if you need a laugh. Maybe you should check that out. :)

The Wills Family said...

You definitely have us snowed because I think you sound pretty darn good. Thanks for the post. It's good to hear your "voice" on the blog again. Can't wait to hear about you heading home soon. Love, A

PS Your description of the transfusion sounded like something out of a vampire novel. Maybe I need to stop reading's all your fault, you know...

Unknown said...

I've been checking both blogs all week-- thank you for the updates. I am THRILLED to hear the pathology report-- wonderful news! Negative, clear, clean, etc., are the best words oncologists can speak. I'm continuing to pray for your recovery. Can't wait to hear that you are discharged-- it will come soon!


Heidi Losleben said...

I am in awe of your awesomeness. Seriously. I am speechless. In lieu of words, may I bring you a beer?

Sarah said...

You? Are awesome. Way to send the cancer packing.

Love you,

Anne Meschke said...

Liz, You are funny...and amazing! So glad to hear the good news. Keep up the good work and the great attitude.


Heather Peterson said...

well, you sure sound like you, despite everything. So glad to hear the great news about the pathology, though not about the pain and the people wanting to be entertained for a dinner roll; who knew you had to sing for your supper in the hospital?
Hang tough, glad to hear you should be heading home soon.


Unknown said...

Wah, wah, wah. You'd think someone just cut off a part of your body. Oh wait, they did. B**** and complain all you like, we'll love you anyway.



Betsy said...

Beautiful Blue-Eyed Liz!
I wanted to just say you are such an amazing woman/mom/wife and I look up to you in so many ways! We missed each other by one year at Vis (you being 6 years my senior, wink, wink) but Vis is what introduced us and I really stayed on the board because of you, well and of course Vis...but honestly mainly you.

Thanks for being so warm, genuine, thoughtful and funny all at the same time. You are doing great, you have a wonderful family and lots and lots of friends to hold you up! Thinking about you all lots and lots this week and going forward.

Hugs and love,
Betsy Joyce

Alicia said...

Go, Liz, go!