Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Hey Mr. Tick

When the kids were little, they attended a nature preschool. We sent them there because we wanted them to be curious and wild and unencumbered. We also sent them there because I don't like dirt or mud in the house and preschoolers have an impressive ability to bring the outdoors in with them. So, I let them bring it into their reading circle instead of my living room. 

They also sang a lot of songs at school and we still enjoy them at home more than a decade later. One of the best was "Hey, Mr. Tick" with verses like "please don't crawl on me," "please don't stick to me," and "please don't suck my blood." The song ends with Mr. Tick getting stuck down to a sheet of paper with a piece of tape. Spoiler: he doesn't make it through craft time. 

Why am I telling you this? It seems like a weird connection to a cancer blog, right? Well, it isn't. Last night, I became Mr. Tick. How would that happen, you ask? I'll tell you. 

It began two weeks ago when my dear family shaved off all my hair. Remember that? Sure. It was amusing for all. 

When the style party happened, I wasn't losing hair, yet. I was just preparing. 

All of that has changed now. I'm shedding. It's slow, though. I was expecting more of a simultaneous migration from my scalp to the floor. Instead, I have just noticed that my hair is kind of loose in my head. I can pull it out without any difficulty or pain. I know this, because I was absentmindedly pulling at the back of my head and ended up with a bunch bald spots. I'm not proud. I'm also not delusional. Swiss cheese head is not a good look.

Plus, it hurts now. All the loose little hairs make my head sore and wearing my cute chemo caps uncomfortable. I like my chemo caps. So, what's a girl to do? 

Owen had a suggestion:

"I could vacuum your head."

"With what" I asked?

"I'll use the little vacuum," replied he.

"The little vacuum that I use to clean up after the Monarch caterpillars? It's full of Monarch poop. No way!"

"I could sanitize it."


"How about packaging tape?"

Now, this is the point at which a normal mother would repeat the "no way" response. But I am not a normal mother. I'm exceptional and endlessly fun.

"Sure. Go get it. Tick-Tape my head."


Cathmomnona said...

There has never been a time just like this, there has never been a family just like this, what is marvelous to witness is how very right you are for each other. I love you all.

Anonymous said...

How about that powerful leaf blower?. That should work.

Charlotte said...


Charlotte said...

Well said. ❤️

Anonymous said...

Owen knows the code to get into my shop. He can use anything to help except the table saw )

Anonymous said...

Love you. Owen is such a problem solver.

Anonymous said...

Hi Liz Heidi here. I have to say you have a very nice shaped head. I wonder how the tick tape solution worked. I also wonder if you were kidding and I'm gullible imagining you with your head covered in packing tape. I did feel sad to hear your spots were starting to hurt. I wonder if you shampoo your head and if that would be soothing. Like a head massage. What we think of comforting scents like lavendar, do any of them work in a positive way for you? I wasn't sure with increased nausea how scents would affect you. I shaved my head last summer because I thought Covid was going to be over and I didn't want to miss out on the quarantine haircut. I know that's not the same but I do like hearing about your and your family's journey. Thank you for the link to your honesty, beauty, humor and bravery!