Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The First 24 Hours Out of Surgery

We officially now have 24 hours post op under our belts! There has been a great deal of pain, but Liz is doing remarkably! Her doctors have checked on her numerous times, and they have all said that everything is looking really well.

She is still very tired, but that is because she is loaded up on morphine. The doctors keep telling us that she won't remember anything of the last two days, but I don't buy it for a second. Last night at about 3:30 AM, I called Liz's nurse "Amanda" and Liz was the one that corrected me to say that her nurse's name was "Amber." Amber was her third nurse since we got out of surgery. Great, just what I needed, one more thing to prove that Liz is smarter. Even after major surgery, I don't stand a chance against her.

Between the breathing tube that was in her throat during surgery, and the fact that her chest hurts every time she breaths, talking is very difficult for her. I know that many of you want to come down and see her, but I think that if we can wait until she is home, that would be best. Besides, Liz has already told her mom, "If I could move my arms, I would punch you in the face." That was just because Nona wouldn't scratch Liz's face hard enough. I can't imagine what she will do to me if I make her talk more than she wants.

Thanks for all the prayers, calls, emails, and overall positive good vibes. You have all been amazing!


jdoughe3 said...

Lots of love for you all! Way to go Team Hewitt!

Prayers and Blessings,
The Dougherty Clan

Sarah said...

Yes! So glad and relieved to hear that she's doing well...but I'm sure not surprised. She's so tough. Can't wait to hear more updates, and can't wait to see her when she's up to it!

The Wills Family said...

We should've known when she was breaking wooden boards at her wedding and that even major surgery, remarkable pain and large doses of morphine won't phase her. Thanks for the update and the info on visits. We'll keep sending prayers. If there's anything else you or the kids need or want, keep us posted. Love, Anita, Nick and the kiddos

William said...

Glad to see she hasn't lost her spunk! We are thinking about her all the time and hope things continue to improve. Thanks for taking the time to update. Let her know that I will scratch her nose for her when she wants.
Love, jamie

Unknown said...

Soooooo!!! glad to hear she is doing so well. Liz is one "hellava whipper snapper" , and I can just picture her correcting everyone and being the person in command. Still sending prayers for the Hewitt family. Grateful for the updates. Miss you Liz, see you soon. Becky

jdoughe3 said...

Scott, could you ask Liz if she needs me to punch you in the face? If she needs it, I'm right here.

I'm fairly certain that Nona could beat me badly - so she's on her own with that one.


Martha Conners said...

Way to go Liz!! I hope each passing minute brings you a little less pain and a little more control. Better take it easy on Scott or he might begin to develop a complex.

Gentle strength - it's all you.

Heather Peterson said...

not sure what I can add to all the great wishes already posted here- it's always great to see what a wonderful, strong support network you have. Just want you to know I feel lucky to count myself part of it. Thinking of you all.

Unknown said...

Crabby's good, right?


- J

Heidi Losleben said...

Morphine or not, the girl's got spunk. Relieved to hear she's hanging tough. Sending healing thoughts your way.

Alicia said...

This is awesome! Gotta love that attitude. Keep it up, Liz!

Carrie Harrington said...

"We know God made trees,
and the birds and the bees
and the seas for the fishes to swim in.
We are also aware
that he has quite a flair
for creating exceptional women."
-Noel Coward

Liz, you are nothing less than exceptional! Your entire family will always be an inspiration! Hang in there. We think the world of you and are wishing you easier days ahead.

Lots of love,

Carrie (and family)

The Firmstone's said...

All of our positive thoughts, prayers, love and hope go out to you!!!

Liz & Scott Firmstone

Love4Haiti said...


I'll be following your fight here and praying for you. You are one brave, strong, tough, spunky lady and you should be INCREDIBLY proud of how you are facing this.

I know this will not be an easy road, but it is clear that God has equipped you and surrounded you with all that you'll need....sense of humor NO exception!

With love,
Rachel (Sturm) Thimjon

Barrysuper6 said...

Liz and Scott
I am so glad to hear that your spirit is up and that you are staying so strong. Please let us know if there is anything that you need/want. If Nona and Papa need a break or want to come and see you Lana has been asking about "Baby O O and La La" we would be happy to have them any time.
We love you guys and sending our prayers,