There certainly are a lot of things that I cannot do. I am definitely still in pain (plus I'm off the narcotics. Boo.) But, as I look back on the last three (almost) weeks, I am reminded that I have come an awfully far way since February 15.
I'm sure that many of you have accomplished really impressive things in the last few weeks. Perhaps you helped a child reach a milestone. Maybe you had a huge presentation at work. Or possibly, as I had planned to be doing today, you helped make an auction a wonderful success, even in this recession.
I haven't done any of those things lately. But, I have compiled a sizable list of embarrassingly insignificant accomplishments. Prepare to be impressed ... a tiny bit.
- I washed my face.
- I got dressed (pajamas count as dressed, right?)
- I made myself a peanut butter and banana sandwich. (Yum!)
- I rolled over.
- I wrote a few thank you notes. (But not many. It's hard to sit up.)
- I reached into the kitchen cupboard and got a cup.
- I shampooed my own hair.
- I reduced my sleeping to one nap a day.
- I got out of a chair by myself.
- I got out of bed by myself.
- I lifted my own dinner plate.
- I put on my seatbelt.
- I brushed and dried my hair.
- I went outside for a walk. (Twice!)
It's the little things, I guess. Go me!
1. These things are truly impressive, given your "t-rex" reach.
2. Let me be the first to say For Crying In The Sink, STOP The Thank-You Notes. I hate that you are spending valuable energy to say thank you to all of us. Consider us thanked and use that energy to heal.
Love you!
ha! I was hoping to be the first one with the whole thank you note thing. May I point out that many, if not most, people do not write thank you notes when they are in perfect health and not remotely post-op? And I thought your New Year's Resolution was to let go!
Sounds like Scott is close to the mark, telling people you're getting a little better each day. Glad to hear it.
I second Renee's comments. Considering the circumstances, if someone requires a "Thank You" note, they should receive a "Screw You" note kindly signed by Scott.
Love your milestones. As for me, I've been busy but I haven't replaced any body parts in the last few weeks with newer, perkier ones. So stop showing off.
I love you.
You rule. Also, you put my minimal nausea and fatigue from chemo into mad perspective. Good job! =)
Just sent you an email and thought I'd also leave a message here. Progress is good, and your list will get longer each day! So glad to hear things are moving in this direction. Thank you for the updates, keep resting and relaxing as much as possible, and know you are being prayed for regularly!
Way to go girl! Keep up the good work. With each new task done, it is a huge accomplishment :) Your posts give me a new perspective on how lucky I am. I am glad to read that you are doing better each day. Keep it up. Some day you can write a book about your adventures. Make sure to keep a journal.
Take care,
All of your friends are sooo smart Liz. You really do need to stop the thank you notes. When people bring you meals or do something to help you, it is not for the purpose of a thank you. They do these things so you can focus on those "baby steps." So glad to hear that things are improving, even just a little, every day...
xoxo ~mp
if you did all those things in a single day, that's actually pretty darn good by non-cancer standards. :) love ya- A
Holy smokes!!!! You are one thousand times tougher than the girl that your father-in law and I used to make cry at the car wash. At that time I figured you would make it about twenty minutes with a Hewitt. But look at you now, one tough chick. Apparently living with the son of pig-one wasn't such a horrible thing after all. Maybe even a blessing. O.K. Now I've gone too far.
My wife and I have been praying for all of you since Darrell brought us up to speed on your condition. From everything I have read on your blog you certainly have the right attitude and I am confident that you and your family will come out of this part of your life stronger and in every way better than before.
I have so enjoyed your writing. You have a real gift to write. Scott "Not so much". Kidding".
We will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Keep on fighting, Girl. Kick it's ass..
Jim and Diane Nelson
Rochester, MN
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