Monday, March 15, 2010

Decisions Are the Worst

Does anyone remember "Girls Just Want to Have Fun?" It's a super-awesome (not very good) movie from 1985 starring Sarah Jessica Parker and Helen Hunt. When I was a teenager, my friend, Heather, and I watched it almost every day. If you haven't seen it, you could pick up a copy for about $7 ... or you can call me and I could recite the whole thing for you.

Anyway, there is a scene in the movie in which a very spoiled high school girl complains about having to choose from among all of the items in her very amply supplied closet. She rolls her eyes, thrusts her hands onto her hips and says: "Uhh. Decisions are the worst."

I couldn't agree more.

I have spent most of today on the phone ... with doctor's offices. In case anyone wanted to help me keep track of things, I have the following appointments:
  • Reproductive Specialist: 3-17
  • Plastic Surgeon: 3-19
  • Oncologist: 3-22
  • Internist: 3-24
  • Gynecologic Oncologist: 3-25
  • Gynecologist: 3-26
  • Surgery: 3-30
Eew. Also, I am trying to wade through all sorts of information that I never wanted to know this much about. (I just ended a sentence with a preposition. But, I have cancer. Deal with it.)

Should I have my ovaries out? I'll have all sorts of health issues, then. Of course, if I don't, I might get cancer again. So, which is better, heart disease and osteoporosis or cancer?

Should I try to freeze my eggs? I'll never be able to be pregnant, again, but we could use a surrogate. Sounds like a good insurance policy, right? But, in order to mature my eggs, I'll have to be on drugs to increase my estrogen levels, which could feed any cancer cells left in my body.

Should I see my regular OB/GYN for the surgery or a specialist?

Should I have a nap, or watch a movie? Life is full of tough choices.

But, to cheer me up, my siblings have been wearing these "Cancer: 0, My Sister:1" shirts.
We special ordered them for maximum awesomeness.

Aww. Aren't they cute?


Heather Peterson said...

I love that the sibs also have matching haircuts. And that they chose their shirts in different colors, lest they be too matchy.

I just sent you the various resources we talked about Friday, so in case you check your blog more often than your email, go check! There may (or may not) be info that is helpful as you ponder these many tough decisions.


jdoughe3 said...

I always vote for have a nap. It never seems like a bad answer. Whatever choice you make it is going to be the right one. You're just that smart.

Love you guys.

Gina and Tim said...

Decisions are easy. Ice cream is always the answer.

The Wills Family said...

You clearly have a good support system. Ice cream. Naps. I like it. You're gonna do great. Trust yourself...

Love, A

Crista said...

Having grown up in rural MN, my husband laments that I missed out on so much pop culture from our generation. Prime example - this movie you speak of....

When I clicked on your link to Amazon I was not encouraged to purchase - sorry, but the three actresses headlining are truly some of my least favorites (yes, I eventually started to 'culturize' myself).

However, you seem to be a lady with character/taste, so perhaps I will rent it on VHS sometime...

PS - I will take the potty chair, send it via my messenger, Gina. Thanks!