Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Good Report with Hopes for More

On Friday, I had an appointment with the plastic surgeon. It went well. He said that my incisions are healing nicely and that the fluid in my back is being re-absorbed as well as can be expected. He claims that the weird and totally annoying numbness in in my back will likely subside, over time. I can start moving my arms when I walk, thus freeing me from the very odd gait of someone who moves her legs like a power walker, but keeps her arms straight at her side. I'm sure that my neighborhood has been enjoying laughing at me for that.

Also, he cleared me for driving and lifting Owen (yea) ... and vacuuming (boo). Among all of these other things, he said: "You're a joy to look at."

That sounds creepy, right? But I think he was trying to be nice ... or impressed with his own work ... perhaps both.

So, I have enjoyed a weekend of hugging my children and going out to meals for my birthday and viewing poisonous frogs at the zoo. I'm pretty tired now, and my muscles ache a little more than they did before, but I have been wearing real shirts (without front zippers) for two days now. Oooh, AND, I hardly get stuck in them at all! Hooray!

Tomorrow we see the oncologist. Hopefully all of the results from the genetic tests and the oncotyping will be back. (In case you aren't an expert with the cancer lingo, the oncotyping is the test for which my evil, cancerous cells flew to California) These reports will help us to determine whether we go with the medicinal route, the ovary removal route or the hysterectomy route, plus which doctor we trust to perform the procedures. It should be a big and revealing day.

Pray that it goes as well as Friday. (But, not quite the same. I don't need any more doctors to inspect my chest, and then comment on my physique, if you don't mind.)


Heather Peterson said...

so relieved to hear the last appointment went well, that you gave "normalcy" a stab over the weekend, and that you can stop being the laughingstock of the neigborhood with the weird walk and all. Fingers crossed for positive news tomorrow- we'll be thinking of you.


Jennifer Glenn said...

Liz - it's good to read your upbeat status report. I'm glad things are heading in the right direction. We will all pray that tomorrow will continue to bring you and your family good news! Hopefully you will get more (boo) news such as your ability to wash dishes, rake leaves, and go on roller coasters (well that would be a boo for me) :)

Take Care,

Darrell said...

Hi Liz

Hey, with all that arms by your side deal, have you ever considered that you and Annie D could bring back a new version of "River Dance"

You guys would be Great!!


Unknown said...

Happy Monday. Sounds like the best weekend since 2/15. Prayers for this to keep going.


The Wills Family said...

Clearly, you're getting spoiled. I would love for someone to comment positively on my physique.... YIPEE for the great news (definitely boo for the vaccuuming news, I would pretend that never happened...). We'll hold theline praying for more positive news today. Sending love, A

Anonymous said...

From CA I send prayers, high hopes and healing energy!!!
The weekend here was great, lots of terrific Indian food. Thinking of you often and so glad you can lift Owen,
Home Tues night.
Love, M

Alicia said...

Good news, Liz! Will keep those prayers coming. So glad you're with your kids again.

Sarah said...

Okay, can I just say it kind of blows my mind that you've been cleared to lift Owen? One short month ago, you had major surgery that involved lots of incisions and the complicated rearrangement of several important muscles. You're amazing.

You rock, Liz. You're an inspiration.