Monday, April 12, 2010

Silver Linings - A Series on Cancer Optimism

Number Four

All of this pill counting is keeping my math skills fine tuned. Currently, I take seven pills every morning and six each night. Of course, this could change at any point. I like to keep my brain exercised.

Oh, p.s. did you know that if you accidentally misspell "exercised," Spell Check suggests two options: "exercised" and "exorcized?" I choose the former, because I didn't want to expel my brain by prayers, adjurations and religious rites.

As we have learned, there are many parts of my body that are expendable. I don't think that by brain is one of them.

1 comment:

jdoughe3 said...

Seamus and Finn have been talking about Zoombies lately (thanks aunt katie) and so they believe that brains are totally expendable - in fact they're sure I've been operating without one for years. Nice. Nice. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.